Our sweet baby girl, Cambrie Grace, was born on October 4, 2012. I had seen my dr the week before and had a very high amount of amniontic fluid. Cambrie was measuring 7.5 lbs so the doctor thought it would be a good idea to induce in a week if she did not come before then. Since Crew came 3 weeks early on his own, I just knew she would come on her own. Well, she didn't so... 2 weeks before her due date, October 4, I went in at 5:30 in the morning to be induced. Labor went super fast, and was so easy thanks to a lot of epidural, and Cambrie was born at 12:34 pm. She was 8 lbs, 1 oz, 20 inches long and absolutely perfect! She has a head full of dark hair and I just smile everytime I look at her- what an amazing blessing! Thank you God for a healthy baby girl, and for giving us the opportunity to become parents once again.
As for Crew- well, you can tell from watching this video, he is having so much fun being a big brother! He gives Cambrie about 50 kisses a day and wants to help with everything. And, he thought the hospital was just the greatest place EVER- so he HAD so have a doctor outfit. Thanks to Mimi and Grancie, he got one, and would not take it off! Thank goodness it lasted until Halloween.
Here is a short video (12 minutes, yikes) with pictures from her birth and coming home. Enjoy!