blog layouit

Monday, August 22, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Crew!

Where has the time gone? My little baby turned 2 yesterday! He brings us such joy, laughter, smiles, and nonstop excitement each and everyday! I keep finding myself saying- this is my favorite age, as he continues to grown up. I know 2's are known as the terrible 2's, but we are in the "fun 2's" right now. I am soo enjoying this stage!!

-Everytime Crew sees anyone he always waves yelling "hi" or "bye"- talk about Mr. Social, he does not have a shy bone in his body.

-Tractors and trucks are his favorite right now! We make a trip a week to Lowe's so he can practice driving the big "trucks"!

-He also loves Elmo, Barney, and Nemo (we try to limit this to one show a day or he would sit there non stop.)

-He has started mimicking everyword we say and has established a big vocabulary over the last few weeks.

-His favorite foods are french fries and cookies- and he asks for them at every meal (oh no!)

-His favorite word is "AWESOME", and he sounds sooo cute saying it!!!=)

We love love our baby boy and cannot imagine our lives without this little prince! Thank you Lord for giving us the opportunity to raise this little man, he is such a blessing in our lives and we love him to pieces! Happy 2nd Birthday Crew, we LOVE you!!

Eating a big plate of his favorite- French Fries!
(This only happens on your bday, ha!)

Crew on his 1st Birthday

Crew- August 21, 2009

(he suprised us and came 3 weeks early!)

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