This was one busy week for Mr. Crew! At school on Monday he performed in his first Christmas concert. To say the least, I had tears in my eyes as he performed! I couldn't imagine a 2 year old singing along, doing the hand movements- yet alone standing in one place- but he did it!!! And did a fabulous job!! Then at school on Wednesday the day ended with a class Christmas party.
He has had so much fun at school this year already- we have to pray for his teachers and everyone in his class every night (don't you just love the heart of a child?)- and cannot wait to see what next year has in store! Merry Christmas!
(they all stayed seated- can u believe it?)
Getting ready for the big performance.
Crew's "best buddy" Jack is right behind him.
He found mommy!!
Don't you just love a 2 year old's imagination?
Crew's "best buddy" Jack is right behind him.
Ok, so cannot figure out how to get the video on here
(if you can share any advice I would LOVE it)
Here is the link to his performance on YouTube.
Crew is wearing the red shirt in the front row (near the middle).
Then today was the class party:
Kim that melts my heart! I cant believe he is singing in a Christmas play & making ornaments. What a little charmer! Miss you guys