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Friday, January 20, 2012

Bella's Surgery

Well, it's been a bit of a rough week here at the Carson house. Crew went to the dr on Tuesday after a 103 fever the night before- he has Croup and boy is it yucky! He finished all his meds and is still not quite up to par so we are going back to the doctor this afternoon. I had a fever and went to the doctor yesterday- I have an upper respitory infection. So, today I am felling a little better so time to bust out the Lysol and CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN to get these yucky germs out! Hopefully Brett won't get it! Praying we are on the end of this sickness bug going around.

To top it off our poor Bella had surgery on Monday. She tore her ACL and Miniscus (sp?) so it's been a rough week for her. She spent one night in the hopsital and we picked her up Tuesday. The procedure went well- they had to shave her leg, a part on her other leg for her IV, and a spot on her back so they could giver her an epidural (yep- dogs can get those too.) She has about 25 staples, and they will stay in for 2 weeks. She has to keep the "cone" on for the 2 weeks so she won't lick the wound and cause it to get infected. She is also confined to a small area/cage for the next 8 weeks. This should be a little tough since she is still a little rambunctious.
I think she is wondering why we are putting her through this pain- BUT it is only because we love her and want her to be here to run and play for many many more years. Pets are part of your family and it is so hard to see her hurting and in pain.
Today was the first day she put a tiny bit of weight on her leg when I took her out to go to the bathroom on her leash. Recovery will be tough but hoping she is on the mend.
Praying for a safe and quick recovery for sweet Bella- she is so strong and working so hard. Give her a few months and she will be back out playing "bumper" with her yellow lab buddy across the street, Cody. We love you Bella! (for the mean time we will keep giving you your pain meds to help take away some of your pain.)

Poor Bella with her "cone" and shaved leg.
Hoping she continues to gain strength everyday.

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