blog layouit

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Crew's Birthday- Part 1

I am just a little late in posting, but I thought since we were having Crew's bday party this weekend, I had better post some pictures of his real BIRTHday. We had originally had Crew's party scheduled for August 21 (what are the chances that your first bday falls on a Saturday and you can actually celebrate on that day?). Well, since I was in the hospital, the party had to be pushed back. I got out of the hospital late that saturday afternoon and Brett and I decided we had to take our little prince out to celebrate. We were so excited our family was there to join in the party too- we were joined my Grammy & Papa, Grancie, and Aunt Whitney! Since we were still in Dallas, we went to the Rainforest Cafe at Grapevine Mills. Crew was in absolute AWE of all the animals! He could not figure out all the sounds, rainstorms, and lights! After dinner they came and sang, and we gave Crew a cupcake to dive into. He ate the WHOLE thing and loved every single bite of it.. yum yum! (I think I know where he gets his sweet tooth from!)

We wanted a keepsake in remembrance of the day (since all his gifts were in Austin we didn't even have anything for him to open), so we took him to Build-A-Bear. We picked out a little dog, recorded a sound of Brett and I saying "Happy 1st Birthday Crew, We Love You!" , picked out a heart and had him stuffed. We picked out a happy birthday cupcake and put it in his hand! Now Crew has a little dog to keep forever and remember his special day. We named in CUPCAKE too, ha! And, of course the grandparents could not get enough of this store, so Crew has a few giftcards to go back and pick out some new clothes for Cupcake when he gets a little older!

What a wonderful day we had celebrating Crew's 1st Birthday! It was a little different than we had originally planned, but we were just glad we could all be together and celebrate in a special way! We love you sweet baby boy- Happy 1st Birthday Crew!!

Think I found just the right animal....

Sound Recording...

Picking out a heart...
Time to get STUFFED...

Umm... this is funny??

The finshed doggy and happy new owner!=)

Happy Birthday Boy!

Its official- here's the birth certificate- ha!


  1. Happy Birthday Crew!! Lil cutie!!

  2. Very cute Kim! I hope his party turns out great tomorrow, wish we could be there to celebrate with you! Jessica
